

Welcome to meLAB

At Microelectronics Lab (meLAB) we aim to promote and support engineering and physical science research in microelectronics design for medical and imdustrial applications. Our research is broadly ranging from theoretical, simulation, design, fabrication and experimental work in fundamental physics to applications of medical electronics and cryoelectronics for quantum computing. In 2021, we founded a spin-out Neuranics Limited that is building next-generation magnetic sensors for neural interfaces. 

Highlights and News

IEEE Circuit and Systems Society Student Design Competition (2019-2020)

We chose to create an innovative device that addresses one of today’s deadliest diseases. Malaria is a life-threatening condition that continues to afflict millions of people worldwide. Traditional methods of diagnosing malaria can prove to be time consuming, complex and require a great level of expertise. These characteristics are often a key limitation in malaria-affected regions that lack medical resources. Through this project, we were able to contribute to the growing efforts of creating a simple, affordable and portable diagnostic device.

A distinctive feature of malaria-infected red blood cells is the presence of the malaria pigment called hemozoin. Hemozoin is a paramagnetic substance that has a magnetic moment only in the presence of an applied magnetic field. Our device consists of a Tunnelling Magneto-resistive (TMR) sensor, magnetic Halbach array, analogue front-end circuit for filtering, ADC and PC interface to display the sensor output. Our device can effectively detect a paramagnetic sample and display a clean output on the LabVIEW (a graphical programming tool) interface which can then be read by the end-user to diagnose malaria-infected patients.



Our team worked effectively and drew on their diverse strengths to realise this project. In order to meet the competition requirements, we organised ourselves to tackle different areas of the diagnostic device. While one member took lead on team organisation and filming, others prepared the technical setup and executed experiments. Our research, preparation, and consistent efforts allowed us to explore and implement new ideas. This competition has, in many ways, enriched our student experience and given us the confidence to embrace future opportunities that challenge us intellectually.


Tayyabah Sardar "I am a 4th-year mechatronics student at the University of Glasgow, currently undertaking my final year project with Dr. Hadi Heidari. My project is based on magnetic biosensors for Malaria detection which is in line with my interest in engineering solutions that tackle healthcare problems. This project has been intellectually stimulating and continues to push me outside my comfort zone. I look forward to exploring many such projects in the near future."


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Founded in July 2017, meLAB aims to promote and support engineering and physical science research in microelectronics design, cryoelectronics, magnetic sensors, and energy harvesting.


Our research is broadly ranging from theoretical, simulation, design, fabrication and experimental work in fundamental physics to applications of wearable and implantable electronics.


We have authored over 200 articles in top peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Nature Electronics, Advanced Materials, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Journal, IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions Electron Devices etc.)


Last year was a great year for meLAB. In this year the lab expanded and our research gained national and international recognition. Stay tuned for our exciting news!


meLAB is a state-of-the-art Lab with tools to microelectronics design, simulation, layout and measurement from device to architecture.


As well as our outreach activities on University and School levels, the meLAB research group has also actively promoted public understanding of our areas of expertise.