December 2018

  • Our LKAS PhD studentship has been shortlisted for funding. The meLAB invites applications for PhD position (any nationality) to make a contribution to our LKAS project titled: Magnetomyography (MMG) Sensors. More info: link

  • The 27th IEEE Int Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2020 will come to Glasgow! Looking forward to welcoming you all to Glasgow in 2020!

November 2018

  • The meLAB members organized a successful first edition ofthe UK Circuits and Systems (UKCAS) Workshop in Glasgow. The UKCAS workshop received a lot of positive feedback and the 2nd edition will be organized in University College London in November 2019.

October 2018

  • Hadi gives an invited talk at the School of Engineering Colloquium of the Kiel University, Germany.

  • Welcome to new meLAB PhD students: Asfand and Xiang! Looking forward to accelerating our research on neuromorphic chips and magnetoencephalography.

  • Hadi presented 2 meLAB papers at the IEEE SENSORS 2018, New Delhi, India.

  • Our project titled NEUROSENSE Network got funded by the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering.

  • Our article on magnetic radar sensing fusion has been accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal.

  • Our article has been featured on the cover of the November 2018 issue of the IEEE Electron Device Letters.

September 2018

August 2018

  • Our EPSRC IAA project, "PowerDrive: Power Management Chipsets for Sensing and Computing Subsystems in the Autonomous Vehicles" got funded. A great opportunity for meLAB to work with industrial partners towards commercialising the PMIC chipsets.

  • Three papers from meLAB have been accepted to the IEEE DeSE 2018 Conference in Cambridge. 

  • Two papers from meLAB on Implantable Photovoltaic cells and Multimodal Sensing have been accepted to the IEEE SENSORS 2018. Well done Jinwei and Haobo!

  • Dr Heidari will be the TPC Chair of the next IEEE PRIME Conference to be held on July 2019 in EPFL, Switzerland.

  • Congratulations to Jinyu, Jingbo, Yuchi, Lina and Andreas for successful completion of their MSc Projects!

July 2018

  • Our £8.5M EU FET-Proactive H2020 project, Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems, a 5 years programme got funded.

  • Kaung paper titled "Power Management using Photovoltaic Cells for Implantable Devices" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE ACCESS Journal.

  • Kaung presentation at the ISCAS 2018 is now live here: 
  • Our new article entitled "A 4-Channel 12-Bit High-Voltage Radiation-Hardened Digital-to-Analog Converter for Low Orbit Satellite Applications" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 

  • Dr Heidari has been invited to The University of Transportation and Communications (UTC), Hanoi, Vietnam to present the meLAB research on the Power Management for the Sensing and Computing Subsystems in the Autonomous Vehicles.

  • We had a great away day in the Scotland West Highland Way at the first anniversary of meLAB.


June 2018

  • Zhaochen paper titled "Magnetoresistive biosensors for on-chip detection and localisation of paramagnetic particles" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology.

  • Our new paper titled: "Exploiting Smallest Error to Calibrate Non-linearity in successive approximation analogue-to-digital converter" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access Journal.

  • Congratulations to Siming for awarding the International CRC 1261 Fellowship on “Magnetoelectric Sensors” to visit the Kiel University, Germany.

 May 2018

April 2018

  • Congratulations to Kaung for getting the IEEE CASS Travel Award.

  • Our joint collaboration paper with Newcastle University titled: "CMOS Magnetic Sensors for Wearable Magnetomyography", has been accepted for presentation at the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'18) to be held at the Honolulu, HI, the USA, July 17-21, 2018.

  • Our paper titled: "On-Chip Counting and Localisation of Magnetite Pollution Nanoparticles", has been accepted for presentation at the 26th IEEE Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018).

March 2018

  • Dr Abbasi and Dr Heidari were awarded the Rewards for Excellence Prizes from the School of Engineering. Congratulations!

  • Asfand got the EPSRC Scholarship to start his PhD in October 2018 in meLAB. Huge congrats Asfand!

  • Our paper titled "Towards Highly Linear High-Resolution Successive Approximation Register ADCs for the Internet of Things" has been accepted for publication in the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters.

  • Our grant on Magnetic Neuromorphic Computing funded by Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe).

  • A paper has been accepted to Microwave and Radar Week (MIKON-2018 and Baltic URSI Symposium-2018). Congrats to Adnan!

February 2018

  • Our paper titled "Tuning the analogue and digital performance of Germanene nanoribbon field effect transistors with engineering the width and geometry of source, channel and drain region in the ballistic regime" has been accepted for publication to the Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Journal.

January 2018

  • Dr Abbasi is a Co-recipient of the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) Award for Research Excellence 2017 on "Sensing the Human Skin for Medical Diagnostic and Prevention in Personalised Healthcare Applications", January 2018 to December 2019.

  • Two papers from meLAB have been accepted for presentation in the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018in Florence, Italy.

  • Dr Heidari becomes Editor of the Elsevier Microelectronics Journal.